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Supporting Conservative Women Nationwide

Women for America endorses and supports strong, conservative candidates who are committed to standing up for America's founding principles.

The Left wants to erase women. Women for America is prepared to hold the line and defend the principles and ideals that make our nation great through courageous, conservative leadership.

America is under attack. At Women for America, we will bring the fight to save this country straight to Washington and to the highest levels of state government.

What We're Fighting for:

Stop Reckless Spending

Washington's spending is out of control. Worse, it is propping up a bureaucracy that erodes and attacks more and more of our freedoms with each passing day. Our children deserve better than mountains of debt and weaponized government. It's time to rein in the bureaucrats and radically re-empower American families.

Respect and Defend Life

Life is the most fundamental of all of our rights. Protection of this right is especially critical for the most vulnerable Americans among us. Our candidates believe in protecting human life from conception to natural death.

Parental Rights

Our children do not belong to the government, period.

Our candidates believe in protecting parental rights so that moms and dads can guard our children against radical indoctrination of ideologies like transgenderism and Critical Race Theory.

Responsible Foreign Policy

America's military must serve America's needs before those of the rest of the world or those of special interests in Washington.

Our candidates are committed to maintaining a lethal, non-woke military and a foreign policy that does not sacrifice our sons and daughters to endless foreign wars or mortgage their futures with reckless spending abroad.

Energy Freedom

America needs affordable, reliable energy to function and flourish — not fantasies. Our candidates support unleashing American energy again and bringing prosperity back into every American household.

Healthcare Freedom

American healthcare has become a government-run racket that limits choices, impedes access to care, empowers bureaucrats, and enriches corporations. Our candidates support restoring the doctor-patient relationship and real innovation.

The Second Amendment

Self-defense is a human right, period. Our candidates support giving every American everywhere the freedom and oppose all efforts to curtail and eliminate this crucial natural right.

A Safe and Secure Homeland

America owes her children a safe and secure homeland in the same way that every parent should provide a safe and secure home in which to grow up. Our candidates are committed to securing our borders and combatting the importation of chaos, crime, and deadly drugs invited by open borders policies.

Our Founders

Mary Vought, President

Vought has over 15 years of political and crisis communications experience fighting to ensure conservative leaders have the best tools available to be successful against the pressures of the D.C. elite. Mary previously worked in the U.S. Senate for Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) as his Communications Director and then senior advisor. She also worked in the U.S. House for several Members of Congress, including working at the House Republican Conference for then Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN).

Her written work, which has focused on politics, campaigns, and policy, has also been published in The Washington Post, USA Today, Fox News, Newsweek, and The Wall Street Journal. In her spare time, she proudly advocates for those in the disability community, including her youngest daughter, who has cystic fibrosis.

Mary teaches courses for the Leadership Institute and is also an Independent Women’s Forum senior fellow, where she writes on policies of health care, government regulations, and culture.

Allison Weisenberger, Vice President

Allison Weisenberger has had the privilege of helping top conservative groups and conservative political candidates with fundraising over the past 15 years. Weisenberger considers it an honor to help conservative heroes stay in the fight while building meaningful relationships with generous patriots across the country.

Allison Weisenberger is a lifelong Californian where she currently resides with her husband and 3 young children. Weisenberger is a proud homeschool educator and enjoys teaching her children about God, organizing field trips, activities and projects for her local homeschool families. Weisenberger has won several awards for service to her community including the Long Beach Emerging Leader Award and Long Beach Unsung Hero Award. Weisenberger is driven to do everything she can to protect her children's future and save our country.

The Left is on a path to put America LAST, eradicate our Constitutional freedoms, ERASE women, and DESTROY our children’s future.

Women for America says enough is enough.

We are prepared to fight for our future.

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